Appointment Details

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Because life is more than just Auditions, Callbacks and Bookings...


Sometimes it's Dental Visits, Jury Duty and Workouts.


Whatever Appointments life throws at you PerformerTrack's Add Appointment screen will be at the ready!



When you click the Add Appointment Button, this will launch the Appointment Details pop-up window.


Here is where you will put all of the pertinent information regarding your intended appointment.


Let's have a look at how Appointment Details works:








You have the ability to name your Appointment in order to make it more descriptive than the Appointment Type.


Here are some examples:


Appointment Name = Stafford's Commercial Class

Appointment Type = Class


Appointment Name = E3

Appointment Type = Convention


Appointment Name = The Chicago SketchFest

Appointment Type = Festival (Comedy)







From Air Date to Writing Session

The Appointment Type drop down menu has hundreds of pre-defined choices for you to select from!







PerformerTrack allows you to set a Priority Level for the Appointment.


By default, all Appointments have their Priority Level set to Normal.


However, you can set the Priority Level to High.


High Priority Appointments will appear in both the Calendar Section and in your PerformerAssistant area with a preceding Exclamation Point Icon.






Here is where you enter the Appointment Start Date and Start Time and End Time.



To enter a Date click on the Calendar Button next to the Start Date field box to launch the pop-up Calendar Picker.



To enter the Start Time and End Time simply click on the Clock Button next to the Time field box to launch the pop-up Time Selector.






Select the Appointment Contact from the drop down menu. The Contact drop down menu displays all of the Contacts in your Contacts Section allowing you to quickly select their name from the drop down menu!


The Contacts that appear in the Contact drop down menu are bridged over from your Contacts Section.


Every Appointment you have is Journaled in the Contact's History! The Journaling feature is simply amazing! It allows you to see over time how you have interacted with Contacts and how they have been an influence on your career!



To add a new Contact simply click the Add Button. This will launch the Add Contact pop-up window.



To view details about a Contact selected from the Contact drop down menu click the Info Button. This will launch the Contact Details pop-up window.






Rather than having to enter an address every time you log an Appointment, PerformerTrack memorizes Locations and allows you to manage them with ease!


This way if you find yourself going to the same Location for multiple appointments then all you will need to do is enter the  Location once into PerformerTrack and it will always be there - ready for you to select  from the Location drop down menu!

The Locations that appear in the Location drop down menu are bridged over from your Locations List in the Essentials Log. Only the Locations with their Location Status set to Active in your Locations List will be shown in the drop down menu.



To add a new Location simply click the Add Button. This will launch the Add Location pop-up window.



To view details about a Location selected from the Location drop down menu click the Info Button. This will launch the Location Details pop-up window.





Do you have recurring Weekly Appointments like Acting Classes, Singing or Dance Lessons?


Do you have recurring Monthly Appointments like Resume Updating, Union Meetings, Agency Check-Ins?


If you do then scheduling them within PerformerTrack is a snap!


Simply select Daily or Weekly from the Repeat Appointment drop down menu.

Doing so will trigger the End Date field box to appear!



Here is where you enter the Repeat Appointment's End Date.



To enter a Date click on the Calendar Button next to the End Date field box to launch the pop-up Calendar Picker.





Is there a business-related Expense associated with this Appointment (i.e. - Business Meal, Fare, Mileage, etc.). Depending on the tax laws in your location these may be legitimate tax-deductible expenses.


To add Appointment-related Expenses simply click on the Add Expense(s) button.


When you click on the 'Add Expense(s)' button PerformerTrack will automatically SAVE the Appointment and JUMP you directly to the 'Additional Expenses' section so that you may log your Appointment-related Expenses!


After you are done entering Appointment-related Expenses just go to the Calendar section and click on the Appointment Name to Edit/View this Appointment.





Are there any special instructions regarding this Appointment?

Were you told to bring anything to the Appointment?

Is there anything you wish to comment on regarding this Appointment?


If so make sure to enter this of information in the 'Notes' area for future reference!


The Notes you enter are Journaled in the Contact's History! The Journaling feature is simply amazing! It allows you to see over time how you have interacted with Contacts and how they have been an influence on your career!







In order to save the Appointment you must click the Save Button (obvious, huh?).


If you neglect to click the Save Button any and all changes made to the Appointment will be lost!







When you want to print the Appointment Details simply click the Print Button. Doing so will automatically Save any changes and will launch the Print Preview Screen.








If you wish not to save any changes to the Appointment Details or want to exit the Appointment Details screen just click the Cancel Button.








If you wish permanently remove the Appointment from your Calendar click the Delete Button.