Audition Details

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Within this first segment of the Audition Form are the essential Audition Details to ask your Agent, Manager or Casting Director about.


Select from the following to learn more about the different elements that make up the Audition Details segment:







First thing's first, what Audition Round are you going in on?
1st Audition? 1st Callback? 2nd Callback? 3rd Callback? Producer's Callback? Screen Test?

Select the appropriate Audition Round from this drop down menu.






SmartRound Feature


When you get a Callback for a project and you Create A New Round within the Auditions Overview Screen you will notice that the Audition Round drop down menu automatically eliminates the previous Audition Round(s) from the menu...

...only giving you the option to select from the remaining Audition Round(s) available. The SmartRound Feature also populates key project information for each Callback Round you are brought in on so you don’t have to – a true time saver!!!
Now all there is left to do is enter any and all new information pertaining to this project's Audition Round on the Audition Form.





Enter the title in the Project Title field box. A Project Title is required on every Audition Form. So, if the project is yet to be titled, you must enter something like "Untitled", "To Be Determined", "To Be Announced", etc.






What type of project is your Audition for?
Is it a Film, Commercial, or Theatre project?
Is it for Dancing, Modeling or Singing?
No mater what type of performer you are PerformerTrack has you covered! Simply select the appropriate Project Type from the drop down menu.






As an added feature, after you select the Project Type you can then assign Project Details to it.

For example, if you select TV as the Project Type, you will see that the Project Details drop down menu accommodates categories associated with the Television Industry (i.e. - Cable, Episodic, M.O.W, etc.)

No matter what Project Type you select, whether it be Background, VO or Music Video, the contents of the Project Details drop down menu will dynamically change to reflect the chosen Project Type.






Whether an Audition or a Callback enter the Date and Time of the appointment in these field boxes.



To enter a Date click on the Calendar Button next to the Date field box to launch the pop-up Calendar Picker.



To enter the Time simply click on the Clock Button next to the Time field box to launch the pop-up Time Selector.


Every Audition/Callback Date & Time you enter is automatically scheduled in the Calendar section for you!  Super convenient!!






Rather than having to enter an address every time you log an appointment, PerformerTrack memorizes Locations and allows you to manage them with ease!

This way if you find yourself going to audition for the same Casting Director often then all you will need to do is enter their Location once into the system and it will always be there - ready for you to select  from the Audition Location drop down menu!

The Locations that appear in the Audition Location drop down menu are bridged over from your Locations List in the Essentials Log. Only the Locations with their Location Status set to Active in your Locations List will be shown in the drop down menu.



To add a new Location simply click the Add Button. This will launch the Add Location pop-up window.



To view details about a Location selected from the Audition Location drop down menu click the Info Button. This will launch the Location Details pop-up window.


Learn more about everything the Locations List is capable of and lots of tips and hints by reading the 'Essentials Log: Locations List' chapter in this User Manual.


The 'Map It!" link will launch  Microsoft's® Virtual EarthDriving Directions. PerformerTrack and its parent company, Holdon Log, LLC are in no way affiliated with Microsoft® or the Microsoft® Virtual EarthDriving Directions service and are not responsible for the accuracy of any maps/directions. No representation is made or warranty given as to their content, road conditions or route usability or expeditiousness.  You, the User, assumes all risk of use. PerformerTrack and its parent company, Holdon Log, LLC assume no responsibility for any loss or delay resulting from such use.  When using any driving directions or map, its advised that you check and make sure the road(s) still exist(s), watch out for construction, and follow all traffic safety precautions.  The maps/driving directions are provided only as a rough guidelines.  Be sure to call ahead to verify the location and directions.







Select an Audition Contact (for example - a Casting Director, Casting Assistant or person to contact should you be running late, need to reschedule, or cancel the appointment!) from the drop down menu.  The Audition Contact drop down menu displays all of the Contacts in your Contacts Section.  If you find yourself auditioning from time-to-time for the same Contacts then quickly selecting their name from the drop down menu becomes another true time-saver!


The Contacts that appear in the Audition Contact drop down menu are bridged over from your Contacts Section in the Auditions/Booked Projects Log.


Every Audition/Callback Appointment you attend is Journaled in the Audition Contact's History! The Journaling feature is simply amazing! It allows you to see over time how you have interacted with Contacts and how they have been an influence on your career!



To add a new Contact simply click the Add Button. This will launch the Add Contact pop-up window.



To view details about a Contact selected from the Audition Contact drop down menu click the Info Button. This will launch the Contact Details pop-up window.






Ask if the project has a Web Site you can visit.



Once you have added the Web Site Address simply click on the Web Link Button to launch a Web browser window open to that project's Web site.


Viewing the project's Web Site is a great way to see who is involved or attached to the project, what stage of development they are in, budget type, etc.






Were you asked to prepare Sides, a Monologue, a Song/Piece of Music, a Comedy Bit or a Dance Routine for this Audition? If so, enter that information here.


PerformerTrack will memorize what you enter to make logging future Auditions quicker!



To add a new Prepare item to the drop down menu simply click the Add Button. This will launch the Prepare pop-up window.


Begin with the ‘Type of Material’ to prepare and then be specific with what you will perform – this will make selecting from the Prepare drop down menu easier in the future. For example: “Sides (”, “Monologue - 2 Min. Dramatic (Hamlet)”, “Song (Defying Gravity-Wicked)”, “Comedy Bit (Weathermen)”, “Dance (Tap & Broadway Jazz)”.






The Role Type drop down menu has an assortment of pre-defined Role Types to choose from (i.e. - Lead, Supporting, Star, etc.)






Don't forget to ask if the Script is available ahead of time.  Select Yes or No from the drop down menu.


Reading the Script before the Audition can assist you with your character development and support the choices you make.  Sometimes it can be e-mailed, downloaded, or read at the casting office.






"Bob"..."Jane"..."Eyewitness #3"...enter the Role Name in the field box.






Enter the important facts about your Role here (i.e. - Age-Range, Appearance, Job Description, Character Traits, etc.) so you can begin to develop your character.






This is the place to enter in the preliminary production date(s) to ensure that there aren't any scheduling conflicts.



To enter a Date easily, you can click on the Calendar Button next to each of the Date field boxes to launch the pop-up Calendar Picker.


The Works When/Thru dates are NOT tied to the Calendar Section because it is preliminary, not confirmed.  Production dates have a tendency to change, especially during pre-production when casting sessions are still being held.






Is the Play going to be performed in Chicago?  Is the Film shooting in Vancouver? Is the TV show being taped in Los Angeles?


Wherever it may be, its always a good idea to jot a quick note in the 'Works Where?' field box to reference where the production is to take place.