Audition Expenses

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The Income & Expenses you log into PerformerTrack are NOT to be construed as tax advice or as a definitive source for what can or should be written-off. PerformerTrack is merely a TOOL to assist you in keeping track of the career income and expenses  that you incur as a performer. You, the User, assumes ALL risk of use. PerformerTrack and its parent company, Holdon Log, LLC assume NO responsibility for any inaccuracy, damage or loss resulting from such use.


Typically there are Expenses associated with Auditioning (i.e. - Parking, Fares, Mileage, Sides, etc.). Depending on the tax laws in your location these may be legitimate tax-deductible expenses.





To add Audition-related Expenses for this Audition Round click on the Add Expense(s) button. Doing so will automatically SAVE this Audition Form Page and re-direct you...





... to the Project Expense Form that is geared specifically for this particular Project Number.