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PerformerTrack's Auditions section allows you to log & track unlimited Auditions/Callbacks - all chock-full of the important details of every casting session you go on; from the 1st Audition - to each Callback - until you Book a Project!


When you open the Auditions section you are greeted by the Auditions Overview Screen.


From here you can Create a New Audition...or view-at-a-glance, access, edit and Create New Audition Rounds for all of your previous Auditions/Callbacks!


Select from the following to learn more about the different areas of the Auditions Overview Screen:








To access the Auditions section go along the Top Toolbar and select
My Account > Logs > Auditions/Booked Projects Log > Auditions




Click the Auditions Tab located on the right-side of the Log to open the Auditions section.






To add a new Audition into PerformerTrack simply click on the 'Create New Audition' button located at the top of the Auditions Overview Screen.



You will then be directly sent to an Audition Form assigned with a new Project Number.






If you get a Callback for a particular project that you have previously entered into PerformerTrack, locate that project under the'Project Number & Title' Column and click on the 'Create New Round' button.


In this example, the Project Number is '15' and the Project Title is 'McDonalds'.  Simply click on the 'Create New Round' button to create a New Audition Round (such as '1st Callback', '2nd Callback', 'Producer's Callback', etc.).

In this example, the Project Number is '15' and the Project Title is 'McDonalds'. Simply click on the 'Create New Round' button to create a New Audition Round (such as '1st Callback', '2nd Callback', 'Producer's Callback', etc.).

Once you click on the 'Create New Round' button you will automatically be brought to an Audition Form. For your added convenience, this is when PerformerTrack's SmartRound Feature kicks in; pertinent details are carried over from your previous Audition Form that are typically consistent from one Audition Round to the next (i.e. - 'Audition Title', 'Project Type', 'Role Type', etc.).


Information that doesn't normally remain consistent (i.e. - 'Audition Date/Time', 'Prepare', 'Thoughts & Ideas', etc.) are left blank, ready for you to enter new information pertaining to this New Audition Round.






Would you like to view, change, add to, or delete any information regarding a particular Audition Round?

It's a breeze!



Under the 'Audition Round' Column just click on the Edit Round Icon of any project to access its Audition Form.






When a project becomes a Booking a Booked Project Star icon will appear next to the Project Title!



When the Booked Project Star icon is the color BLUE that indicates the project was booked by going through the auditioning process.


When the Booked Project Star icon is the color GREEN that indicates the project was a Direct Booking and NO auditions were required.


When you click on the 'Booked Project Star' icon PerformerTrack will JUMP you directly to the 'Booked Projects' section! Use this great shortcut when you need it!







As you continually add more and more Auditions to your Auditions Section you will want an easy way to sort through them.  That's where the 'Sort By' Columns are extremely helpful!


Here you can sort your Auditions easily by Project Number.


Simply click on the Ascending Arrow to sort by:

Letters [A to Z]
Numbers [smallest to largest]
Dates [earliest to latest]



Simply click on the Descending Arrow to sort by:

Letters [Z to A]
Numbers [largest to smallest]
Dates [latest to earliest]