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Yup, there's no place like Home!


The Home link on the Top Toolbar is a shortcut to the Home screen.



The Home Screen is also the first place you are brought to when you first login to PerformerTrack, which displays the Log selected in the Log Preferences area.



Select from the following for a brief overview of the Home screen:








The Top Toolbar consists of the application's menus which can be used to easily navigate through the program.


As you place your mouse over the different categories, a drop-down menu appears on the screen to allow you to select additional features from the list.







PerformerTrack currently has two virtual Logs to assist you with tracking your career simply, yet effectively. Not only can you tell what Log you are currently in by looking at the Log Indicator, but also by the color of the Log Cover.


The Two 'Virtual Logs'

The Two 'Virtual Logs'


Although each Log independently serves many different purposes, behind the scenes they are actually brilliantly constructed to interact and work with one another.


To access the Logs and their different sections simply use the Logs drop-down menu found in the Top Toolbar.






The Log Indicator is located in the upper-right corner of the Cover Screen.  It's an easy way for you to see what Log you are currently viewing.







Each Log contains different Sections with many useful and powerful features.

You can use the Log's Section Tabs to jump from section-to-section.






PerformerAssistant gives you a quick view of Upcoming Calendar Appointments and will let you know about Important Messages & Alerts from PerformerTrack, such as scheduled server maintenance, recent upgrades and other various application enhancements.


You can view/edit any appointment that appears within the PerformerAssistant by clicking on the Appointment Name.


To access/change the number of days of Upcoming Calendar Appointments displayed in the PerformerAssistant simply go to the Top Toolbar select My Account > Preferences > PerformerAssistant.



The Upcoming Calendar Appointments that appear in the PerformerAssistant area are bridged over from your Calendar Section in the Auditions/Booked Projects Log.