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The Logs link on the Top Toolbar will allow you to access the 'Virtual Logs' and their different sections!


PerformerTrack currently has two 'Virtual Logs' to assist you with tracking your career simply, yet effectively.

The Two 'Virtual Logs'

The Two 'Virtual Logs'


Independently each Log serves many different purposes, however they seamlessly interact with one-another, giving you the most powerful and robust application possible!


You can tell what Log you are currently viewing by looking at the Log Indicator, as well as by the color of the Log Cover.


Get ready! In the future you will see MORE Virtual Logs added...all upgrades and enhancements are included with your PerformerTrack account!


You can choose which Virtual Log you would like PerformerTrack to open  as the Home Screen when you login by setting your Log Preference.