'Add Headshot'

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When you are ready to add a new Headshot image (or any other type of image you use to promote yourself) then enter the appropriate image specifics in the 'Add Headshot' Area.

'Add Headshot' Area

'Add Headshot' Area


You will notice several field boxes for you to enter information in.


Click on a link below to learn more about each field box:






First things first, you must assign a Headshot Name to your image.


Use a Headshot Name that will distinguish it from the rest of your Headshots.  Don't just name a headshot "Smiling Picture" - try being specific by describing the clothes you are wearing (i.e. "Cranberry  Shirt") or by character type (i.e. - "Young Detective") - this will help you better identify your Headshots as your Library grows.





Enter any kind of description information about your image (i.e. - where it was taken, time of day, what happened during the shoot, etc.).





PerformerTrack has a pre-defined drop down menu of Headshot Types for you to choose from to assign to your image.  Choose one of the following that best suits your picture:






Who was the photographer who took the picture?

Select the Photographer from the drop down menu.


The Contacts that appear in the Photographer drop down menu are bridged over from your Contacts Section in the Auditions/Booked Projects Log. Only the Active Contacts whose Primary Contact Type is set as "Photographer" within your Contacts Section will appear.


JOURNALING: Every image you attribute a specific Photographer to is Journaled in that Photographer's Contact History! This will allow for quick and easy referencing in the future!



To add a new Photographer simply click the Add Button. This will launch the Add Contact pop-up window.



To view details about a Photographer selected from the Photographer drop down menu and click the Info Button. This will launch the Contact Details pop-up window.


Learn more about everything the Contacts Section is capable of along with lots of tips and hints by reading the Auditions/Booked Projects Log: Contacts chapter in this User Manual.








To enter the Date Shot easily, you can click on the Calendar Button next to  the Date field box to launch the pop-up Calendar Picker.






Finally, it's time to upload the image you have been writing all that information about!

Click on the 'Browse...' button to locate the image file on your computer's hard drive. Once you locate it, simply click the 'Save' button to upload the image!


PerformerTrack supports .jpg, .gif or .png files only! Also, your image file must not be any larger than 150k.