Additional Expenses: Add Expense Area

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The Income & Expenses you log into PerformerTrack are NOT to be construed as tax advice or as a definitive source for what can or should be written-off. PerformerTrack is merely a TOOL to assist you in keeping track of the career income and expenses  that you incur as a performer. You, the User, assumes ALL risk of use. PerformerTrack and its parent company, Holdon Log, LLC assume NO responsibility for any inaccuracy, damage or loss resulting from such use.


It is important to keep physical proof of both the Income (i.e. ~ pay stubs, deposit slips, statements, etc.) and the Expenses (i.e. ~ receipts, canceled checks, billings, etc.) you log into PerformerTrack. If you are ever questioned by a legal authority about a particular Income or Expense you have tangible evidence that you can use in order to prove it.


You just paid for a Business Meal...perhaps Mileage to get to Acting Class...or maybe you paid for your P.O. Box.



When you have an Expense directly related to your business that is NOT connected to a project, make sure you add it to the Additional Expenses section by utilizing the Add Expense area.


View the following that make up the Add Expense area:








When did the Expense take place?



To enter a Date click on the Calendar Button next to the Date field box to launch the pop-up Calendar Picker.





What type of business-related expense did you spend your good hard earned money on?

Was it for Advertising & Publicity?

Your Home Office?

Perhaps Tickets for Research?

No matter what you spend your money on, PerformerTrack's Expense Type drop down menu has over 30 pre-defined  categories to make entering your business-related expenses a snap!






After you select the Expense Type you can then assign Expense Details to it.

For example, if you select Advertising & Publicity as the Expense Type, you will see that the Expense Details drop down menu accommodates categories associated with Advertising & Publicity (i.e. - Business Cards, Photo Duplication, Resume Duplication, etc.)

No matter what Expense Type you select, whether it be Advertising & Publicity, Business Meals or Trade Publications, the contents of the Expense Details drop down menu will dynamically change to reflect the chosen Expense Type!





Is there an expense you have incurred but you aren't sure what Expense Type or Expense Detail it would fall under?


No problem!


We have a built-in Expenses Guide to assist you in finding out which category your expense is under!


To view the Expenses Guide simply click on the Expenses Guide Button that is found on the same line as Expense Details.

This will launch the PerformerTrack Expenses Guide.







You can further identify an expense beyond Expense Type and Expense Details by utilizing the Purpose Of Expense drop down menu. Expenses that occur often (for example - classes or training sessions, networking events or submission expenses) is the primary reason for the Purpose Of Expense field.


The Purpose of Expense drop down menu will memorize the Purpose of Expense you enter. This will make for faster logging of Expenses in the future!



To add a new Purpose Of Expense simply click the Add Button. This will launch the Add Purpose Of Expense pop-up window.






How did you pay for that business-related expense? Cash, Check or Credit Card?


No matter how you pay for your expenses PerformerTrack memorizes your Payment Methods and allows you to add them with ease!



To add a new Payment Method simply click the Add Button. This will launch the Add Payment Method pop-up window.


If you have a few different credit cards that you utilize to pay for business-related expenses then Add to the Payment Method drop down menu the name of the credit card company plus the last 4 digits to make it easy for you to identify what card you used for the expense.  For example: "MasterCard 4421", "Visa 9765", "AMEX 0171".


For such expenses like "Mileage" when there is no exact "Payment Method" - you could simply skip this entry ... or, you could choose to Add to the Payment Method drop down menu "No Method" and select that for future such expenses.






Can't get more straight-forward than this!


Simply enter in the amount you spent!


Don't worry about adding a monetary symbol (i.e. - $, ¢, £, ¥, ) to the Expense Amount as PerformerTrack does not need them!




# 0f Units or Mi/Km Driven

# of Units

Are you charged by the hour for Coaching Lessons?

Are you charged per DVD copy you receive of your Demo Reel?

If so, this feature is especially handy!


For example, if you took Coaching Lessons that lasted 4 hours and the Lessons were 75.00 per hour, you would select the following:
Expense Type: Coaching Lessons/Classes/Workshops
Expense Amount: 75.00
# of Units or Mi/Km: 4

Click the Save button and PerformerTrack will do the math for you:
75.00 x 4 = 300.00 (Total Expense Amount)

Pretty cool, huh?!


# of Mi/Km

How far did you drive yourself to the Audition/Callback?

To meet with your Agent or Manager?

To go to that Workshop?


If it is Business mileage (or mileage related to Charity, Medical or Moving) make sure you enter the number of Miles or Kilometers driven.

Click the ‘Save’ button and PerformerTrack will automatically calculate what your Mileage Expense is worth!

To adjust Mileage Rates go to:

My Account > Preferences > Mileage Rates


PerformerTrack calculates what your mileage is worth based on the 'Cost Per Mi/Km' information you have entered in the Mileage Rates section.


If you select 'Mileage' as the Expense Type and enter the number of miles driven in the # of Units field box PerformerTrack automatically calculates the Expense Amount for you.  This is done by multiplying the number of miles-driven by the "Cost Per Mile/Kilometer" you assigned in the "Mileage Rates" section. See Top Toolbar > My Account > Preferences > Mileage Rates.






Wish to add a little note or information regarding this expense?  If so, enter it in the Description field box.






In order to save any changes made to the Add Expenses Form you must click the Save Button.


If you neglect to click the Save Button any and all changes made to the Add  Expense Form will be lost!