Mileage Rates

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To access the Cost Per Mile/Kilometer Preferences screen
go along the Top Toolbar and select
My Account > Preferences > Mileage Rates




Click the Mileage Rates Tab located on the right-side of the Log
to open the Cost Per Mile/Kilometer Preferences screen.


Cost Per Mile/Kilometer Preferences Screen

Cost Per Mile/Kilometer Preferences Screen




The mileage you drive to and from business-related appointments (i.e. Auditions, Callbacks, Classes, etc.) may be tax deductible! PerformerTrack can automatically calculate what your mileage is worth! In order to do this you must load up key mileage information.



If you are outside of the United States and you are unsure what your Mileage Rates are then simply skip this section. You can always come back  to  the Mileage section and add the proper information.






Step 1

Click on the “Add New Mi/KM Rates” button.


Step 2

Enter the correct Mileage Rate information.


If you reside in the United States then click on the
Click Here for a list of “U.S.A. Mileage Rates” link
(this will be a big help when entering information!).



You only have to enter Mileage Rate information for the date ranges you think you may enter Mileage for into PerformerTrack.
For example, if you are planning to only enter Mileage information into PerformerTrack from the year 2008 onward, then you only need to Enter the correct Mileage Rate(s) that apply to 01/01/2008 12/31/2008


Step 3

Click the "Submit" button. You will now see the Mileage Rates for the date range you just entered!


Step 4

Repeat Steps 1 through 3 until all date ranges you wish to enter are completed.