When you book a job, there is something else that is just as important as delivering a great performance...that's meeting, introducing yourself to, and networking with everyone that is involved with the project!
From the Director to the Gaffer... the Producer to the Sound Mixer... the Caterer the to the Prop Master...
...everyone is a potential contact/lead that you may be able to tap for future projects!
Let's learn more about the Cast & Crew section:
If you wish, you can select a Contact Type from the drop down menu to filter the list of Contact Names that appear in the Contact Name drop down menu.
Select the name of the Contact you would like to add to the Cast & Crew for this project.
On this particular project is this contact you want to add to the Cast & Crew an...
Accountant, Lighting Technician or a Stunt Coordinator?
Actor, Board Operator, or Script Supervisor?
No matter what they are you will find the appropriate Cast/Crew Type from the hundreds of titles listed in the drop down menu!
As you continually add more and more Cast & Crew Members to your Project's Cast & Crew you will want an easy way to sort through them. That's where the 'Sort By' Columns are extremely helpful!