Income & Expenses

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The Income & Expenses you log into PerformerTrack are NOT to be construed as tax advice or as a definitive source for what can or should be written-off. PerformerTrack is merely a TOOL to assist you in keeping track of the career income and expenses  that you incur as a performer. You, the User, assumes ALL risk of use. PerformerTrack and its parent company, Holdon Log, LLC assume NO responsibility for any inaccuracy, damage or loss resulting from such use.



It is important to keep physical proof of both the Income (i.e. ~ pay stubs, deposit slips, statements, etc.) and the Expenses (i.e. ~ receipts, canceled checks, billings, etc.) you log into PerformerTrack. If you are ever questioned by a legal authority about a particular Income or Expense you have tangible evidence that you can use in order to prove it.


Money makes the world go also allows you to pay for new Headshots, Union Dues and Tickets for Research!


Remember, the Income & Expenses you receive and incur as a performer should always be logged and tracked for business purposes. Thus the vital nature of this section and its subsections!



Select from the following to learn more about how to access and navigate the Income & Expenses sections:








To access the Income & Expenses section go along the Top Toolbar and select
My Account > Logs > Auditions/Booked Projects Log > Income & Expenses




Click the Income & Expenses Tab located on the right-side of the Log to open the Income & Expenses section.


When you first open the Income & Expenses Section it defaults to the 'Additional Expenses' Section. You can easily access the other sections within the Income & Expenses section by utilizing the Income & Expenses Section Tabs.







As you see there are four Income & Expenses Section Tabs that run along the top that you can utilize to access the four Sections that make up the Income & Expenses Section.


Click on a link below to learn more about these different areas of the Income & Expenses Section:







An easy way to quickly see which section of PerformerTrack's Income & Expenses you are in is either by looking to see which of the Section Tabs are lit up...










Look at the Section Indicator in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen...this will let you know where you are!