The Project Details

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This is what you've worked so hard work!


So...whether you are required on set, on the stage, or in the studio for 1 day, 100 days or 1,000 days - you want to keep track of each and every Project Appointment to be on time and prepared!


The Project area allows you to effortlessly schedule unlimited appointments, of which you are sure to encounter during this phase of the Booked Project!

Click on a link below to learn more about The Project area:







What type of The Project Appointment is this?
Call Time?

Curtain Call?

Recording Session?
You name it, PerformerTrack has you covered! Simply select The Project Type from the drop down menu.





Here is where you enter the The Project Appointment Date and Start Time and End Time.



To enter a Date click on the Calendar Button next to the Date field box to launch the pop-up Calendar Picker.



To enter the Start Time and End Time simply click on the Clock Button next to the Time field box to launch the pop-up Time Selector.


SCHEDULING: Every The Project Appointment you enter is automatically scheduled in the Calendar section for you!  Yeah, we think that's a cool feature too!






Rather than having to enter an address every time you log an appointment, PerformerTrack memorizes Locations and allows you to manage them with ease!


This way if you find yourself going to the same Location for multiple appointments then all you will need to do is enter the  Location once into PerformerTrack and it will always be there - ready for you to select  from the Location drop down menu!

The Locations that appear in the Location drop down menu are bridged over from your Locations List in the Essentials Log. Only the Locations with their Location Status set to Active in your Locations List will be shown in the drop down menu.



To add a new Location simply click the Add Button. This will launch the Add Location pop-up window.



To view details about a Location selected from the Location drop down menu click the Info Button. This will launch the Location Details pop-up window.


Learn more about everything the Locations List is capable of and lots of tips and hints by reading the 'Essentials Log: Locations List' chapter in this User Manual.


The 'Map It!" link will launch  Microsoft's® Virtual EarthDriving Directions. PerformerTrack and its parent company, Holdon Log, LLC are in no way affiliated with Microsoft® or the Microsoft® Virtual EarthDriving Directions service and are not responsible for the accuracy of any maps/directions. No representation is made or warranty given as to their content, road conditions or route usability or expeditiousness.  You, the User, assumes all risk of use. PerformerTrack and its parent company, Holdon Log, LLC assume no responsibility for any loss or delay resulting from such use.  When using any driving directions or map, its advised that you check and make sure the road(s) still exist(s), watch out for construction, and follow all traffic safety precautions.  The maps/driving directions are provided only as a rough guidelines.  Be sure to call ahead to verify the location and directions.





Select a Contact from the drop down menu.  The Contact drop down menu displays all of the Contacts in your Contacts Section allowing you to quickly select their name from the drop down menu!


The Contacts that appear in the Contact drop down menu are bridged over from your Contacts Section in the Auditions/Booked Projects Log.


JOURNALING: Every The Project Appointment you have is Journaled in the Contact's History! The Journaling feature is simply amazing! It allows you to see over time how you have interacted with Contacts and how they have been an influence on your career!



To add a new Contact simply click the Add Button. This will launch the Add Contact pop-up window.



To view details about a Contact selected from the Contact drop down menu click the Info Button. This will launch the Contact Details pop-up window.


Learn more about everything the Contacts Section is capable of and lots of tips and hints by reading the 'Audition/Booked Project Log: Contacts' chapter in this User Manual.





Are there any special instructions regarding The Project Appointment?

Were you told to bring anything to the appointment?

Is there anything you wish to comment on regarding this appointment?


If so make sure to enter this of information in the 'Notes/Thoughts' area for future reference!


JOURNALING: The Notes-Thoughts you enter is Journaled in the Contact's History! The Journaling feature is simply amazing! It allows you to see over time how you have interacted with Contacts and how they have been an influence on your career!







As you continually add more and more The Project Appointments you will want an easy way to sort through them.  That's where the 'Sort By' Columns are extremely helpful!


Here you can sort your The Project Appointments quickly by The Project Type and Date.


Simply click on the Ascending Arrow to sort by:

Letters [A to Z]
Numbers [smallest to largest]
Dates [earliest to latest]



Simply click on the Descending Arrow to sort by:

Letters [Z to A]
Numbers [largest to smallest]
Dates [latest to earliest]        





Would you like to view, change, add to, delete or print any information regarding a particular The Project Appointment?



Alongside the 'The Project Type' Column just click on the Edit Icon of any The Project Appointment to access its Details.





Would you like to Delete a particular The Project Appointment?



To the right of the 'Notes/Thoughts' Column just click on the Delete Icon.