My Reps Overview Screen

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When you click on the My Reps Tab you will be brought to the My Reps Overview Screen.



Let's take a quick look at the My Reps Overview Screen...






Prior to Adding a New Rep Company you must have already added the Rep Company/Firm to your Contacts Section. For more information please read the chapter Add Rep Companies To Contacts Section




Step 1)

First, make sure you have entered your Rep Companies and individual Reps within the Contacts section as outlined in the chapter 'Add Rep Companies To Contacts Section'.


Step 2)

Select a “Rep Type” from the drop down menu



Step 3)

You will now see that the Rep Company Name drop down menu is populated with the names of Rep Companies matching the Rep Type selected


Now simply choose the Rep Company you want to add to your team.


The Company Names that appear in the Rep Company Name drop down menu are bridged over from your Contacts Section in the Auditions/Booked Projects Log. Only the Rep Company Names with their Contact Status set to Active in the Contact Details area will be shown in the drop down menu.



Step 5)

Click the Add My Rep Company button



Step 6)

The Rep Company Details screen will appear!






By default, the My Reps Overview Screen shows only Rep Companies that are currently in Active Status.

You can easily filter and view all of your Rep Companies (whether Active or Inactive) by utilizing the Status Filter.

Simply select the following filter options from the Status Filter drop-down menu:


Active: This will only show Rep Companies that are currently marked "Active"

Inactive: Selecting this will show only those Rep Companies that HAVE BEEN entered as "Inactive" in the Rep Company Details pop-up window

All: This will show ALL Active and Inactive Rep Companies






As you add more and more Rep Companies to your My Reps section you will want an easy way to sort through them.  That's where the 'Sort By' Columns come in handy!

'Sort By' Columns

'Sort By' Columns

Here you can sort your images easily by Rep Company Name, Rep Type, and Renew Date.

Simply click on the Ascending Arrow to sort by:

Letters [A to Z]
Date [earliest to latest]



Simply click on the Descending Arrow to sort by:

Letters [Z to A]
Date [latest to earliest]





Would you like to change, add to, or delete any information regarding a particular Rep Company?

Would you like to  change the Rep Company Status to 'Active' or 'Inactive'?

It's a breeze!



Just click on the Edit Rep Company Button to access the Rep Company  Details pop-up window.





Located at the top-right corner of the My Reps Overview Screen is a Contacts tab



When you click on the 'Contacts' tab PerformerTrack will JUMP you directly to the Contacts Section!