What's New In PerformerTrack?

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When someone asks "What's new in PerformerTrack?" it is difficult to answer.


The short (and we must admit, exciting) answer would be "all of it" – simply put, this is the most extreme and large-scale upgrade of the original program (ActorTrack) that we have ever released. Practically every single aspect of the program has been overhauled and countless new and valuable features have been added, some of them exceptionally powerful. We have paid close attention to the feedback from our large user base and put in place all of the most demanded features, plus many functions that you may have never even dreamed of … but will not want to do without!


Don’t fear, all these advances don't mean that the application will be unfamiliar to you … quite the opposite. Our number-one priority was to preserve the "look and feel" of the original program and its unique and intuitive design so that existing ActorTrack users will feel instantly at home when logging in.


The main new features and improvements introduced in PerformerTrack are the following:



Application is divided into virtual "Logs" - the first two Logs released in PerformerTrack are "Auditions/Booked Projects Log"and "Essentials Log"

Overall architecture changes to the way the database is configured

Data flow and date integration vastly improved



"PerformerAssistant" shows upcoming Appointments when you first log-in



Overview of all Projects (every Audition Round and Booking) on one screen

Separate Audition Forms for each Audition Round

Many more options added in every Audition Detail drop down menu

Many new Project Types added

Many new Audition Details added (including "Prepare", "Works When & Where" and "Terms: Union Affiliation and Rate")

Submittal Sources controlled through the newly added sections "MY Reps" and "Submission Resources"

Easier management of Headshot/Promo Images Submitted for each project through the new "Headshot Library" section

Control of Locations drop down menu through the new "Locations List" section

Complete control of what you wear to Auditions with the newly added "Virtual Closet" section

Wardrobe image added to Audition Form

Audition Follow-Up now links to a specific contact



Overview of all Booked Projects on one page

Quick link back to the last Audition Round / Direct Booking Form from which the Project was Booked.

New Section added - Direct Booking Form

Create Booked Projects ("Bookings" & "Direct Bookings") from the "Booked Projects" section rather than from the "Audition Form"

Pre-Project section has many new Appointment Types added

The Project section has many new Appointment Types added

Post-Project section has many new Appointment Types added

New section added - Bulletin Board

New section added - Cast & Crew

New section added - General Details

New section added - Invoicing

New section added - Web Listings



Overview of all Contacts on one page

Sorting/Filtering of contacts

Many new Contact Types added

Secondary Contact Type added for each Contact

Three Addresses per Contact ("Work", "Home" and "Other")

"Important Dates" feature added for each Contact

Three E-Mail Addresses per Contact

IM Address added per Contact

"Add Appointment" feature added per Contact

"Add Note" feature added per Contact

"Contact History" feature added



Appointment Type Codes replaced with full name of the "Appointment Type"

"Recurring Appointment" feature added (Daily & Weekly)



Many new "Expense Types" added

"Expense Details" feature added

"Sort Expenses" feature added

"Return to Audition Round" quick-link added to "Project Expenses" section



New "Income Types" added

Many new Income Details added (including "Market/Run", "Net Amount" and "Payroll Company")

"PerformerTrust Section added

"ChildTrust" section added

"Deposited In" and "Payroll Company" tied-in with the "Contacts" section



Associate "Headshot Type" to every image uploaded

"Deactivate" capability for images no longer in circulation

Sorting of images



2nd Address Line made available

"Parking Situation" drop down menu now made available in the "Location Details"

"Round Trip" reference field box

"Deactivate" capability for Locations you anticipate never returning to again



Entirely new section with many amazing features and capabilities



Entirely new section with many amazing features and capabilities



Entirely new section with many amazing features and capabilities