Submittal Source

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The Submittal Sources you log and track using PerformerTrack are in NO way to be construed as Advice, Counseling, or any form of Career Guidance. The information derived from PerformerTrack is only as good as the accuracy of the information you enter into the application and ultimately how YOU perceive it. You, the User, assumes ALL risk of use. PerformerTrack and its parent company, Holdon Log, LLC assume NO responsibility for any inaccuracy, damage or loss resulting from such use.



Excellent! You got called in for an Audition!


Now that the excitement is's time to take a serious look at this Audition and ask "Hey, how did I get this audition in the first place?"


Was it through your agent?

Was it through your manager?

Was it through a submission YOU did online?


Knowing who or what is responsible for getting your foot in the door at an audition is BIG! You want to track this because over time you may discover the answers to such questions as:


Which of your Agents is responsible for getting you Auditions most often?

How hard are you working to get yourself into casting sessions?

Which paid resources you subscribe to are actually successful at getting you seen?


Click on a button below to learn more about the Submittal Source segment:







Who did their job to get you into that all-important 1st Audition?

Was it through one of your Reps (i.e. - Agent, Manager, Booker, etc.)?

Or, was it through a Resource (i.e. - Online Service, Trade Publication, a Friend's Referral, etc.)

Toggle whom or what was responsible for getting your foot in the door of the Casting Director.






When you toggle "Via My Rep" a drop down menu will appear with the names of your Active Reps. Select the individual who got you into the Audition.


The Reps that appear in the Via My Rep drop down menu are bridged over from the My Reps section in the Essentials Log. Only the Reps with their Representative Status set to Active in your My Reps section will be shown in the drop down menu. To access the My Reps section go to Top Toolbar > Logs > Essentials Log > My Reps



Learn more about the My Reps section and all that it can do by reading the 'Essentials Log: My Reps' chapter in this User Manual.







When you toggle "Via Resource" a drop down menu will appear with the names of your Active Submission Resources. Select the Submission Resource that got you into the Audition.


The Submission Resources that appear in the Via Resource drop down menu are bridged over from the Submission Resources section in the Essentials Log. Only the Resources with their Submission Resource Status set to Active in your Submission Resources section will be shown in the drop down menu. To access the Submission Resources section go to Top Toolbar > Logs > Essentials Log > Submission Resources



Know more about the Submission Resources section by reading the'Essentials Log: Submission Resources' chapter in this User Manual.