Post Audition

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The Audition is over, don't forget the experience....


What did you wear?

Who did you meet?

How did it go?


You can't afford to "forget" what happened. Every Audition you go on is a learning experience, and PerformerTrack's job is to quicken your learning curve.  Discover what works and what doesn't with the Post Audition segment.


Click on a button below to learn more:








The Wardrobe you log and track using PerformerTrack is in NO way to be construed as Advice, Counseling, or any form of Career Guidance.  The information derived from PerformerTrack is only as good as the accuracy of the information you enter into the application and ultimately how YOU perceive it. You, the User, assumes ALL risk of use. PerformerTrack and its parent company, Holdon Log, LLC assume NO responsibility for any inaccuracy, damage or loss resulting from such use.


What did you wear to the Audition?

Is this an outfit that you wear often for Castings?

How has the response been when you wore this?

Do you get many Callbacks or Bookings with this outfit?


Sometimes landing a role is based just on a "look" - and a "look" relies a lot on what you wear.


Luckily, logging & tracking what you wore to your Auditions/Callbacks is a snap with PerformerTrack!


There are two ways to select the Wardrobe that you Wore to the Audition/Callback:


1) 'I Wore' Drop Down Menu


2) 'I Wore' Picker


Click the Previous Button to view the previous Wardrobe in your Virtual Closet.



Once you select the Wardrobe you can view details about it by clicking the Info Button. This will launch the Wardrobe Details pop-up window.



Click the Next Button to view the next Wardrobe in your Virtual Closet.


The Wardrobes that appear in the 'I Wore' area are bridged over from PerfomerTrack's Virtual Closet. Only Wardrobes with their Wardrobe Status set to Active in your Virtual Closet section will be shown in the drop down menu.  To access the Virtual Closet go to Top Toolbar > Logs > Essentials Log > Virtual Closet



To add a new Wardrobe simply click the Add Button. This will SAVE the Audition Form and re-direct you to the Virtual Closet so you can add a new image and enter in all of its details.


Learn more about everything the Virtual Closet is capable of and lots of tips and hints by reading the 'Essentials Log: Virtual Closet' chapter in this User Manual.


Unless told otherwise, typically what you wear to the initial Audition is what you wear to the Callback. Repeat the look, it's what they liked to call you back!






Enter the names if the important people you meet at the casting session (i.e. - the Casting Director, Casting Assistant, the Reader, etc). Keeping track of those you interact with at Auditions is great business sense, so when you get a Callback you will impress them with your incredible memory - all while enhancing your ability to build interpersonal relationships!






How did you feel after the Audition?

Did your read go well?

Were you given any adjustments? (This will help you repeat the performance at the callback.)

Is there anything you want to comment on that you may want to work on in your next acting class?

Did you run into another actor who mentioned a great Acting Coach, Photographer, Agent, etc.?


Jot all of this type of information in the 'Thoughts & Ideas' area for future reference!