Main Info

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Who or what kind of Contact is this?

Is this Contact a person or company?

What have they done?

What are they doing?



The Main Info area for the Contact will help answer these kinds of questions and more!







Enter the Contact's First Name (i.e. Steven, Julia, Ben, etc.).

Then enter the Contact's Last Name (i.e. Spielberg, Roberts, Stiller, etc.).


When entering a Company as a Contact leave the “First Name” and “Last Name” field boxes blank.






Enter the Contact's Company Name (i.e. William Morris Agency, Universal Pictures, Second Wave Music, etc.)








VP Marketing?


What ever the Contact's Job Title is make sure to enter it!


PerformerTrack will memorize what you enter to make logging future Job Titles quicker!



To add a new Job Title to the drop down menu simply click the Add Button. This will launch the Job Title pop-up window.






Select the appropriate Contact Type to best describe this individual or company.

With hundreds of pre-defined Contact Types available to choose from you shouldn't have a hard time finding the right one for your Contact!






Is this Contact a Singer...but also a Dancer?


Is this Contact a Boom Operator...but also an Entrepreneur?


Is this Contact not just Family...but also a Director (lucky you!)?


No problem! You can assign a Secondary Contact Type to any Contact!


PerformerTrack will memorize what you enter to make logging future Secondary Contact Types quicker!



To add a new Secondary Contact Type to the drop down menu simply click the Add Button. This will launch the Secondary Contact Type pop-up window.







Before you ever walk out the door to meet...


...a Casting Director for an Audition...

...a Producer about a Project... Agent for possible Representation...


...make sure you Know Before You Go!


It is a good idea to know what projects the Contact you are meeting with has been associated with prior to meeting them! That's why PerformerTrack provides you with four quick-link buttons to help you with your research efforts.


Start with a narrow search within the Entertainment Industry.
Click on the IMDb Button to directly search for any listed information on about the Contact.

IMDb: (Internet Movie Database) This is a huge searchable database that contains Entertainment Industry career information on thousands of Actors, Writers, Directors, Producers, Writers, etc.)
The IMDb® Logo is the registered trademark of IMDb in the United States and/or other countries. Holdon Log, LLC and its products (including PerformerTrack) are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with IMDb.


Not every one of your Contacts will be listed in IMDb's database.

Therefore, try performing a wide search on the Internet with Google ~ just click on the Google Button to directly search for the current Contact's Name!

Google: This is a popular search engine, a tool for finding resources on the World Wide Web. Google scans web pages to find instances of the keywords you have entered (in this case your Contact's First Name + Last Name).
The Google Logo is a registered trademark and copyright © Google.Holdon Log, LLC and its products (including PerformerTrack) are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Google.


Is the Contact heavily involved with Theatre? Then try doing a search with IBDB ~ simply click the IBDB Button!

IBDB: (Internet Broadway Database) This archive is the official database for Broadway theatre information. IBDB provides records of productions from the beginnings of New York theatre until today.
The IBDB Logo is copyright © The Broadway League, Inc.Holdon Log, LLC and its products (including PerformerTrack) are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with IBDB.


Does your Contact have any video up on YouTube? Click the YouTube Button to see!

YouTube: This is the leader in online video, and the premier destination to watch and share original videos worldwide through a Web experience. YouTube allows people to easily upload and share video clips.
The YouTube logo is a trademark of Google Inc. Holdon Log, LLC and its products (including PerformerTrack) are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with YouTube or Google.



Information on the Internet is not always accurate. A name search anywhere on the Internet can yield misleading results & information, especially if that information is out of date, originates from an unreliable source, and/or leads to other individuals with the same name as the Contact you are Searching for. Exercise caution when utilizing the IMDb, Google, IBDB and/or YouTube link(s), or any other Internet resources. The links provided are just a start to the kind of research you can perform on your own. You, the User, assumes ALL risk of use.  PerformerTrack and its parent company, Holdon Log, LLC assume NO responsibility for any inaccuracy, damage or loss resulting from such use.