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The Materials you log and track using PerformerTrack are in NO way to be construed as Advice, Counseling, or any form of Career Guidance.  The information derived from PerformerTrack is only as good as the accuracy of the information you enter into the application and ultimately how YOU perceive it. You, the User, assumes ALL risk of use. PerformerTrack and its parent company, Holdon Log, LLC assume NO responsibility for any inaccuracy, damage or loss resulting from such use.



Before you got the Direct Booking, someone (i.e. - Casting Director, Producer, Director, etc.)  probably looked at a Headshot (or other image like a Character Photo, Zed/Comp Card, Promo Photo, etc.), viewed/listened to a Demo Reel, or both in order to decide whether or not they were directly hiring you.


Logging and tracking which Materials successfully land you Direct Bookings will allow you over time to see which ones are working for you and which one's aren't.


You may then ask questions like:


"Should I continue submitting this 'Hip Cool Guy' headshot for projects that really hasn't been getting me into projects? Or, should I instead shoot new pictures and try to achieve a look that will get me noticed?"


Then make better informed decisions like:


"The most recent Demo Reel I had done has been very effective! 7 Direct Bookings have come from it since I started submitting a couple of months ago! I will not change anything on it right now - it's working for me!"


Select from the following to learn more about the Materials segment:






As a performer you may have a variety of Headshots (or other Promo Image) you use to promote yourself.  But which ones work to get you in the door and which ones don't? Always keep track of which Headshot (or other Promo Material) was submitted!


If you are unsure which Headshot was submitted then wait until you get to the Direct Booking and ask which picture they saw. If you were submitted through an Online Service then select the Headshot that is your “Primary Image” on that service.


There are two ways in the Direct Booking Form to select the Headshot (or other Promo Image) that successfully got you the Direct Booking:


1) 'Headshot' Drop Down Menu


2) 'Headshot' Picker



Click the Previous Button to view the previous image in your Headshot Library.



Once you select a Headshot you can view details about it by clicking the Info Button. This will launch the Headshot Details pop-up window.



Click the Next Button to view the next image in your Headshot Library.


The images that appear in the Materials area are bridged over from PerfomerTrack's Headshot Library. Only the Headshots with their Headshot Status set to Active in your Headshot Library section will be shown in the drop down menu.  To access the Headshot Library go to Top Toolbar > Logs > Essentials Log > Headshot Library



To add a new Headshot simply click the Add Button. This will SAVE the Direct Booking Form and re-direct you to the Headshot Library so you can add the new image and enter in all of its details.


Learn more about everything the Headshot Library is capable of and lots of tips and hints by reading the 'Essentials Log: Headshot Library' chapter in this User Manual.





If a Reel was submitted or requested make sure to select "Yes" from the drop down menu.